MPV - Fundraising and Advertising

MPV - Fundraising and Advertising
Fundraising Ideas in Australia

Monday, 20 January 2014

Benefits of Fundraising for Children in Australia – Giving not receiving

Fundraising is very popular these days, especially when it comes to helping other people and there are plenty of organizations that are in need of help, these organizations need help in a form of money or product or  services to enable them to support their important activities.  These activities may assist in the important things like shelters, clothes, food, medicine and services.  In Australian generally access to good quality health care is available through Medicare and medicine via the government pharmaceutical benefit scheme.  What is increasingly lacking is access free medical due to low doctor rebates and dental check-ups. Even the burden of gaining access to expert consultation to these organizations depends on the organization’s fundraising ideas and their ability to execute them. Some people may say that they are not capable of helping other people because they don’t have enough or extra money to give, but then again, everyone can help just by giving some effort, time and dedication or even a letter of support can boost morale at these important community institutions.
On the other hand, volunteering and fundraising is also one of the best activities that can be teach to our children, fundraising in Australia is not just about money but can also be a teaching tool as well.  Volunteering and fundraising is a great way of teaching children good values and manners, exposing them different people in different situations and helping them to appreciate what they have rather than what they don’t have.  Exposure to these kind of activities together with different fundraising ideas can help them realized and appreciate the value of helping those who are in need of our help.   I find it is also great way for young people to become responsible and increase their feeling of pride and self-worth.  There is nothing like the pride one feels by helping an organization meets its fundraising goals and knowing that it will help a cause that is important to them.  Don’t be afraid to show your children the other side of life, maybe the darker less privileged side.  What is often surprising to them and adults alike is the feeling of community that exists there.  People who not only know each other but also rely and trust each other.  Many affluent communities hardly know the person next door making these “better” communities isolated and feeling detached. 
There can be different forms of fundraising ideas in Australia depends on the organization mission, fundraising may be because of a friend who is sick and in need of funds to be able to help pay the hospital bills, or it can be done to be able to help the community or places that were recently hit by typhoon, or simply because they are in a mission of helping other people when it comes to medical services or even food feeding programs to continue reaching out those places that are asking for help and being able to expose children in this kind of activity really is a good idea to make them become responsible even in their early stage.
Fundraising may include selling goods, or doing some activities or even services that they then offer  in exchange to money or anything that is related to their missions of earning funds; and through fundraising children can easily understand the importance of hard work not just for themselves but for the greater good, letting them see how happy, how enjoyable it is to help, realizing the value of life at an early age can help them appreciate the life that they already have so they will grow up with perseverance and respect to their fellow man.