MPV - Fundraising and Advertising

MPV - Fundraising and Advertising
Fundraising Ideas in Australia

Friday, 31 January 2014

Fundraising Campaign using Vouchers

What is fundraising and why is it important?

Fundraising is a cumulative effort to come up with considerable amount of resources and revenue for a certain cause. It is commonly in form of cash, or might as well be in kind-convertible to cash. Fundraising can also be in form of vouchers to be able to sell goods or services with a certain discounts using discount vouchers; it depends on how the organizers form the fundraising program activity.
There are a lot of essential factors to consider when planning a fundraising campaign, this business is not easy, there are a lot of things to consider for it to succeed, and so it needs to be done accordingly.

Purpose of Fundraising

What is it for? Where do the resources go? What difference will it make to the world? And how to make the event more creative and beneficial to the participants such as promoting the use of vouchers so it will then be a win-win situation for both parties. These are some of the commonly asked questions in engaging is such ventures. This might be the most integral factor to consider upon conducting a fund raising campaign so it will be successful in the part of raising funds and at the same time beneficial for the participants, donors and sponsors.

It should be convincing enough to entice supporters and donors like offering them discount vouchers and besides who doesn’t want to avail discounts in the first place; Earning some amount of money for the campaign through selling vouchers, offering the participants and donors discounts whenever they would want to purchase some items or services would be a great deal for everyone, it’s like they have already given their part to help which in return is to feel the pleasure of giving by helping the society and at the same time they would then have able to avail discounts, what more could they ask for? Another thing is that, it is also important to remember not to show too much aggressiveness and exaggeration to be thought of as a scam.

Why Practice Fundraising?

This is probably the most missed out part in most of the fundraising campaigns nowadays. It should always be remembered that accountability doesn’t just stop right after collecting all the resources and revenues after selling discount vouchers, it is also important to consider the donors, sponsors and to all the participants that their efforts are appreciated and giving them more reason to participate is a good business for the next in coming years, they will not just be donors or sponsors but they will be converted into business partners as well.

The participants and the donors which mostly be businessman or professionals; and so the best way to attract them is to show them that this kind of campaign is not just for the cause itself but it is also beneficial to them, which result to a good market in the long run.

Go back to the questions: What is it for? Where did the resources go? What difference did it make to the world? At the end of it all, these questions should be answered and delivered right back to all the people behind the campaign because this kind of business is not just about the present but it is very important to see its benefits in a long period so it will be continuous, and that’s an example of a successful fundraising campaign.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Benefits of Fundraising activities for the teenagers

They say that the most crucial stage of a human being is the teenager stage, and everyone would agree with that for sure; this is the stage wherein everyone faces so many challenges especially when it comes to the person’s character, beliefs, different perspective, and insights about life; as they learn more about humanity, this crucial stage also teaches them more on which path to cross as they shape the life that they will soon have.

Why the Teenagers?

The teenager stage is also considered as one of the most challenging stages because this is also the time wherein teenagers are getting so stubborn as they are trying to act as an adult and at the same time trying not to let go of their childhood; wherein, in reality is just they are too scared of what’s coming, the fear of the unknown to be more specific.

In teenager stage, teenagers are becoming too curious that gets them involve into different kinds of experience, they make mistakes for them to be able to learn, the greatest teachers above all is the experience itself, and so, on the part of the parents always remember that no matter what they do, no matter how big their mistakes, no matter how trouble they get, always remember to be patient, remember that they are still kids who are trying to become an adult as everyone expect them to be, but at the end of the day they are still those little ones.

Why fundraising?

Fundraising program is an activity that involves a lot of different experiences and learning’s too. Most of the fundraising activities were made by an organization that helps and promotes a helping program with different concepts and missions it depends on their goals and beliefs, one example is fundraising activities for children who wanted to go to school but haven’t given any chance. Being involved in fundraising activities especially the teenagers help them to become more responsible as they are able to see more about life, they will then realize that there’s more to life than being just a spoiled brat who does everything for themselves.

Positive effects of fundraising activities for teenagers

There are a lot of positive effects for the teenagers who are actively involved in different kinds of fundraising activities, one of which is Getting the teenagers exposed into these kinds of activities such as fundraising program for children, for elders, or to any organizations that promotes life saving, medical volunteers that provides a helping hand for those who are in need.

Being involved in different kinds of activities and being part of different kinds of organizations is a good way to be experienced in the teenager stage, it is beneficial for the teenagers to see different stories, different insights so they could see and experience different ways of life and so they will understand and appreciate everything that they already have, this is a good thing for them, trust me, I’ve been there, and I’ve seen more about life more than I’ve ever imagined.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

How Fundraising Program contributes to Education for Children

There can be a lot of reasons why children nowadays are having difficulties in learning how to read and write. Getting a good education for children in this generation have been very uncommon and one main problem is school funds. There are a lot of schools that can be found anywhere in the world, but then there are still a lot of children these days who weren’t given the opportunity to be educated. Even learning the basics of reading and writing from unreachable areas such as nearby mountains and islands, seems to be impossible.
There are also a lot of schools today who can’t give proper education to children, as they don’t have enough financial support to be able to improve and develop the school’s facilities, buy equipment, increase the number of teachers and even maintain the classrooms.  So, this leaves us with a question, how could they provide a good education for children with all these flaws? As the time passes by, the numbers of students are increasing every year, but unfortunately, a lot of schools couldn’t afford to sustain and provide their students the high quality education that they need.

Every child deserves to have a good education and this is why there are a lot of charities, organizations and even ordinary individuals, help in growing funds by organizing and sponsoring fundraising programs. Many volunteers from different professions also take part in helping those children who wanted to go to school to learn and to meet other kids, so they will know more about life and about the world. Being educated is also a part of exercising everyone’s rights, most specially the youngsters. People who strongly believe in the importance of education are doing their best to create programs and events to promote fundraising for children.

Schools that don’t get enough funds for the students normally cut their expenses. This means that they are not buying enough textbooks, laboratory equipment, chairs and tables, fans and etc. resulting to two children sharing one. This greatly affects the quality education which leads to poor education to children. They also tend to lessen school programs, events and activities which they normally do every year. Some of these are camping, music festivals and performances, arts and crafts contests, fieldtrips and proms. These school activities are not only fun and enjoyable but they are also important because they mold the children’s well-being and individuality and develop their leadership, social and mental skills. 

One of the best ways for the schools to earn extra money is to come up with a fundraising program while exposing the students to many different types of outdoor and indoor activities. There are a lot of benefits that they could get in participating to fundraising for children activities. Not only that they’ll be able to raise money from the fundraising event but also, they will face different people from all walks of life, which help build their confidence and self-esteem. This will also widen their scope and will eventually lead to more sponsors and people helping their school.  

Monday, 20 January 2014

Benefits of Fundraising for Children in Australia – Giving not receiving

Fundraising is very popular these days, especially when it comes to helping other people and there are plenty of organizations that are in need of help, these organizations need help in a form of money or product or  services to enable them to support their important activities.  These activities may assist in the important things like shelters, clothes, food, medicine and services.  In Australian generally access to good quality health care is available through Medicare and medicine via the government pharmaceutical benefit scheme.  What is increasingly lacking is access free medical due to low doctor rebates and dental check-ups. Even the burden of gaining access to expert consultation to these organizations depends on the organization’s fundraising ideas and their ability to execute them. Some people may say that they are not capable of helping other people because they don’t have enough or extra money to give, but then again, everyone can help just by giving some effort, time and dedication or even a letter of support can boost morale at these important community institutions.
On the other hand, volunteering and fundraising is also one of the best activities that can be teach to our children, fundraising in Australia is not just about money but can also be a teaching tool as well.  Volunteering and fundraising is a great way of teaching children good values and manners, exposing them different people in different situations and helping them to appreciate what they have rather than what they don’t have.  Exposure to these kind of activities together with different fundraising ideas can help them realized and appreciate the value of helping those who are in need of our help.   I find it is also great way for young people to become responsible and increase their feeling of pride and self-worth.  There is nothing like the pride one feels by helping an organization meets its fundraising goals and knowing that it will help a cause that is important to them.  Don’t be afraid to show your children the other side of life, maybe the darker less privileged side.  What is often surprising to them and adults alike is the feeling of community that exists there.  People who not only know each other but also rely and trust each other.  Many affluent communities hardly know the person next door making these “better” communities isolated and feeling detached. 
There can be different forms of fundraising ideas in Australia depends on the organization mission, fundraising may be because of a friend who is sick and in need of funds to be able to help pay the hospital bills, or it can be done to be able to help the community or places that were recently hit by typhoon, or simply because they are in a mission of helping other people when it comes to medical services or even food feeding programs to continue reaching out those places that are asking for help and being able to expose children in this kind of activity really is a good idea to make them become responsible even in their early stage.
Fundraising may include selling goods, or doing some activities or even services that they then offer  in exchange to money or anything that is related to their missions of earning funds; and through fundraising children can easily understand the importance of hard work not just for themselves but for the greater good, letting them see how happy, how enjoyable it is to help, realizing the value of life at an early age can help them appreciate the life that they already have so they will grow up with perseverance and respect to their fellow man.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Fundraise while you have excited children.

Primary school children and always excited to see parents involved and parents are more connected with the school and your fundraising could be the way to make some money for your school and to build the school community.  A great fundraiser might include a way to include to children, they will have fantastic pester power and why not use it to your advantage.  After all our children do it to us, so why should other parents not get the same joy.

Unfortunately by the time children get to upper primary school or high school, parents are considered very uncool and being involved is an embarrassment to your children, so the effort-to-reward ratio is much less favourable.  In fact it unlikely parents will even get the note to come to the meeting if the adolescent has their way.

Parents in primary schools tend to be more connected as they often walk their children into the class and waits for them after school, which encourages conversation, involvement and participation.  Don’t call a meeting by sending notes, stand outside the classes and catch the parents as they wait for the children, introduce yourself and ask them to come to the meeting.

Another tip is to not only ask them but also ask them bring one or two other people that they know.  This has two advantages, the first is they know at least a few people, and you get more people to your meeting.  It’s important that when you have these volunteers to make them feel welcome and involved in the process.  Everyone has something to offer, some people have time, and others might just know the right contacts.

Volunteers are just people that have not been asked to be involved yet.  The quiet person may make a spectacular volunteer if they are made welcome, their efforts are valued and they join the team.

Make sure you are covered so the entire time but sometimes having too many people is worse than having too few.  People might feel tired at the end of the shift is you have too few people but nobody likes to feel they have wasted their time.  I’m not saying you should plan to have too few people but make sure they all have a real job.  “I don’t know just help Helen” is not a job.  Even their children’s pride will not be enough reward for parents who feel their time has been wasted.

There is many websites to give volunteers a fundraising resources for schools, clubs and community groups.  There is any number of great promotional products available for fundraising as well as the old favourites such as walk-a-thon, quiz nights, raffles and discos. While traditional fundraisers are still popular they are now being replaced by more sophisticated fundraisers.

A well-run state primary school P&C in a prosperous area with 500 families can generate more than $150,000 annually from fundraising whereas a smaller school in a less prosperous area might struggle to make $10,000 per year.  While the money may be important to meet the financial goals, the social goals of community building may be just as rewarding for the fundraising team.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Consequence of Advertising

Today, advertising has become one of the medium for promoting a particular brand, product, service or event. Advertising has simply influenced our day to day lives and has far provided a brand new great impact with our way of living. Whether it is purely for entertainment, festivities, person or goods - advertising has gone a long way. Using various forms, tools, techniques and conveyances of advertising, it becomes less expensive and easier to design for brands to seize instant recognition. 

If you look around and conduct a study, you will see how advertising becomes a powerful factor in making sure that the product catches our attention. Even movie makers carry huge help as an advertising tool that will promote their products and services. Even political leaders are using advertising to let the people know their political points. To sum it up, it is generally an amenable secret that advertising has a huge impact upon our daily lives.

Innovation is the key to riches in any discipline of expertise. Become it any world or organization, any innovative idea or just strategy always take the business to the forefront and thus creating a growth to the main revenue of the entire particular organization and company. In label advertising business, improvement plays a crucial role. In fact, it is your innovative idea which in turn is required on the way to communicate to the specific target customers, have an impact on their buying patterns and finally tell them to learn the product or sometimes brand. Besides innovation, there is definitely one more factor which always is again that key to professional brand advertising.

Any organization advertiser is mindful of the truth of the matter that the 1st and foremost factor of a make or model advertising campaign is to capture some of the attention of site visitors by making these types of feel and imagine the product. To gain this, the entrepreneurs need to casing the brand sales pitch in such the best way that it probes into the opinions of the leads no sooner when compared to they read this task. But how is it just as possible? Creativity is the answer. A new great insightful creativity is also required to frame the model of communication to tickle the attention of the entire target customers.

An original idea and some kind of insightful creativity (in terms of design, message or approach) since these are just two keys to powerful advertising widely implemented by famous zeroed in on. It’s quite a challenge (especially for existing brands) to convey any brand message when you need to the same customers and prospects again and quickly as more. However, an innovative idea proclaimed through an effective approach makes it simpler for the designer or brand advertiser to put meaning relating to the brand as a way to his target pages. Like leaves to the trees, like water to allow them to the ocean, development and creativity have proven to be to brand promoting.