MPV - Fundraising and Advertising

MPV - Fundraising and Advertising
Fundraising Ideas in Australia

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Seniors get involve in Fundraising to meet new people

In our busy world, there comes a time when we lie low and retire from the daily routine of our youth. Seniors are often made to stay at home or at nursing homes. Due to this, they suffer boredom from the sudden change of surroundings and pace of life. Home cares promote spending their time and effort with in-house and also fundraising activities. There are a lot of advantages gained from fundraising functions with seniors. For one, they become busy and enjoy their remaining days. They also gain satisfaction from helping others and distract their mind from missing family members and the life they had. It can also be the fact that seniors miss doing the things they have done when they were younger. All of these can be achieved from fundraising activities combined with docket advertising to let seniors meet new faces and even create new friends.

Australia is a fundraising haven for foundations. The country promotes fundraising in all levels of economy and even makes advertisements to entice people to volunteer. Senior homes are not an exception. Most home cares are given emphasis in fundraising advertising in Australia since it is a lively community. It helps them encourage sponsors which in turn helps businesses get recognized. Recipient senior homes venture into the city and meet new people. Seniors gain the feeling of acceptance from the society they once worked for. Staying at the home care in most days makes them restless and bored and venting out their frustrations while helping them build money is achieved from fundraising activities.

We cannot deny the fact that seniors has less remaining days left in this world. Fundraising activities lets them leave a purpose in their life. The activities they have done and the events they created serves as self-fulfillment marks in the community. It makes them feel special that they are leaving something behind even after death. Sometimes when the activity becomes popular, the event is even named after the senior or group of seniors who have come up with the idea. These functions may even be printed in coupon advertising fliers. Companies can get a lot of audience and advertising traffic from seniors since they are very active at these kinds of affairs. Expenses and facilities that cannot be provided by home cares can be obtained from fundraising. It does not need to be complex as long as the seniors get to have a lot of fun and socialize. The fund can be used to purchase new furniture or appliance, monthly gifts, party needs or capital for the next fundraiser.

Although death is inevitable, we choose what we do with our remaining days. Seniors, while old and shabby still have purposes and dreams. Fundraising activities give them this and much more. Fairs, for example, let them enjoy the function and meet people. It is camaraderie that seniors need the most. To divert their attention from missing their loved ones, they meet new people and create bonds with them. There are even some who meet their soul mates and partners. Fundraising, in ties with companies, extends this opportunity. When a senior sees an event through mobile advertising, they crowd into it not only to help others but also to party. Due to the advance technology today and the wide range it offers, seniors have more time to devote to fundraising and indirectly, to meeting people of their own group. There is also modern mobile phone advertising that can be used to contact more people into joining their cause. And using technology, seniors can meet and greet people while doing something they love.