MPV - Fundraising and Advertising

MPV - Fundraising and Advertising
Fundraising Ideas in Australia

Friday, 21 March 2014

Run-a-thon as a fundraiser

The lack of physical exercise or people’s sedentary living is the utmost cause of chronic diseases.  What’s keeping them from doing physical fitness exercises? Lack of motivation, perhaps? Are they really that difficult to do? Or maybe doing it alone makes it boring and no fun at all? A good motivational method is by doing activities with friends or other people. Some sports clubs started to think of a way to raise money at the same time, introduce physical exercise to people’s lifestyles. One can never run out of fundraising ideas for a good cause. Since running is one of the best methods of cardiovascular exercise, which reduces the risks of acquiring chronic diseases, plus getting in a good shape, run-a-thon events attracted more people wanting to be fit and healthy.

Sports clubs and all sorts of non-profit groups need money to maintain sports facilities and institutions. Aside from occasional donations from fitness enthusiasts or prominent companies/people wanting their endorsements, fundraising is their main source of money. Run-a-thon is a fun way of bonding with friends and meeting new ones at the same time, keeping a good shape and physically fit body. The “Fun Run” organizer usually utilizes their own running tracks for these events, but doing it in the streets could attract more people for future events. They put road signs and designate a specific distance of a certain course. Run-a-thons are categorized by distance or length of the tracks. Usually a normal run is 5km up to 10km or more, depending on participant’s choice and physical capabilities. Participants are required to have medical check-ups prior to the event. This is to know whether a participant is physically and medically ready for the challenge. This has been undeniably one of the most fun and appealing forms of fundraising in Australia.

Australia being one of the most developed countries in the world, a significant percentage of its population is busy and occupied most time of the day. Thus, time for exercise is quite strenuous to find. Instead of spending the free time to indulge in such activities, it is more rewarding to spend it with the family and a time to relax. This is why run-a-thon event organizers encourage people to bring their families and friends. This way the younger generations are introduced to a healthier lifestyle away from addictive video games and crazy internet stuffs. This is also a very good time to bond, communicate, and appreciate your family and friends. In a huge addition to those, it is also an inexpensive and healthy way to reach out for a good cause. Money collected from these activities is used to help a wide range of non-profit groups.

Marathon as fundraiser is now being conducted regularly, as much as possible, weekly. This is to promote fundraising in Australia and is becoming more popular these days.
regular exercise to people from all walks of life. There are two, probably more, ways to raise money from this activity. One way is by registration format in which organizers inform the public about upcoming run-a-thon events. This can be done through social media, or public advertisements like flyers and posters. Registration fees are reasonably affordable, not to mention usually comes with a small token or souvenir and last but not the least, the delightful feeling of supporting a good cause. Another way and is probably a more regular and long-term involvement, is through membership. Clubs offer memberships for an annual basis which gives people free access to these types of events, and allows them to use sports facilities that these clubs own or other benefits depending on which type of non-profit organization is coordinating the event. It is a very physically and socially rewarding form of

Fundraising for Australian’s needy

If you’re reading this on the internet with your smart phone or computer, you might as well consider yourself blessed to have such material wealth. Before browsing away, or reading another mobile phone advertising message, take a minute to reflect on this. There are people in any part of the world who couldn’t even afford to buy a meal for a day, and yes they are even in the most opulent countries you can think of. In every developed nation, a major problem is being kept behind its wealthy reputation. Just because a country doesn’t recognize it, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Australia is one of the wealthiest nations in the world with the highest median statistics. But new research shows that poverty rate in Australia is disturbingly increasing, mostly involving people that age 25 and below, dependent, homeless, or jobless. It has come to a point that the Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) and UNICEF Australia have immediately urged the government to develop an anti-poverty plan. With the country’s economy reputation at stake, these matters are purposely being locked up behind the curtains. A powerful economy of a wealthy nation doesn’t matter much if a remarkable percentage of the population is trying hard to keep their body and soul together. As luck would have it, or just a simple sense of care, some private institutions have already made a step to diminish a notable part of the problem through fundraising.

Fundraising for the deprived is a very streamlined way to help millions of people striving under the poverty line. The realizations are widely spread through different forms of advertising in Australia. Funds collected from these fundraisers will be used for feeding programs, building facilities that may become a temporary home for the needy or hosting job fairs and free educational and livelihood programs. Such events are planned and astoundingly conducted in each of their unique ways. Rock bands meet to hold concerts for a cause everywhere in the country, aside from the expense for the concert facilities, the rest of the proceeds are given for the benefit of the poor. Docket advertising companies provide vouchers and coupons on back of receipts in Australia’s leading supermarkets and restaurants to advertise these uplifting affairs. Even the poor people themselves put together an association of the less fortunate to orchestrate fundraisers such as talent showcase, handicrafts, street shows, or any honorable way that they know just to remain alive for a day or two.

Private organizations, orphanage, churches, or even prominent companies that conduct these fundraisers make the best out of what they get; no help is too small or too generous. Poor children and elders are given food and shelter in some institutions around the country. Those who are able to work are given simple jobs from distributing coupon advertising tickets for some business companies, to regular jobs depending on his or her capabilities, thinking most of these people are fairly qualified for the job but lack the financial support to find one. Even though orphanages depends on donations, government or private financial support, coping up with the institutional expenses is still a major struggle, so these foundations also consider fundraising events to fend for the children’s needs. Possible donors are usually being contacted through phone advertising to attend these children shows for a more give and take form of donation, just a basic way to give their appreciation.

In the simplest possible ways it is always inspiring to help those who are in need. Fundraising is just one of a million ways to reach out. More important thing is to be aware, get involved, and stop ignoring this issue that is being kept unseen behind every nation’s portrait of economical development.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Fundraising for Church

Religion is a way of life. People choose what religion to take and decide for themselves to practice its ways. Defining culture and norms, it affects all profession, gender and age. The reputation of a church mainly depends on the churchgoers and the minister leader. In Australia, churchgoers are mostly highly educated and above the general population age. This means that Australians values religion even when they are busy with their careers. The statistics also show that most are female and above the age of 50 years. About 61% of the population is Christian with the remaining divided into other religions. To target the market value, advertising in Australia uses religion as its basic concept to appeal to the majority. Statistics can also be used to evaluate fundraising activities and its probable success. An event must bring all kinds of people to create new and creative affairs.

A church will not survive, especially with the global financial crisis, without the support of the community. The main source of fund for churches is fundraising events, pledges, community sports and government aid. Church activities are too many to enumerate but the main focus of a congregation is to combat poverty and help the needy. Missionaries are funded by the combination of their own money and church funds. Little things like coupon advertising fundraising helps. Most community churches are given financial aids by the government to catch the expense of running the parish. People also donate to churches a percentage of their salaries. With all the monetary support, a church subsists and even helps other people. It is best to take note that a church is a non-profit organization. Sponsors contribute commercial funds while church staff does the labor and effort. Benefactors are given back the value of sharing and the feeling of uplifting their spirit. In this give and take process, not only the church benefits but also the sponsors.

The key to a successful church fundraising activity lies on the organizers. It should be considered that a fundraising is well-communicated, fully advertised and creative in its own way. Not all churches have the means to pay for a high-end advertisement so people often result to mobile advertising to disseminate information. Old-school classics like bake sales and candy store should be avoided or given a new ingredient. People must be encouraged enough to commit and spread the word of the event to their friends and families. In simple ways like including an ad in docket advertising, organizers can gain more broadcast traffic. Typical party games can also be evolved into an exciting charity event. A perfect example is a biblical quiz bee, charity race and raffles. With an added twist, these events can be a knockout to both church personnel and patrons.
Although a church is a non-profit organization, it still applies business strategies and economics. A Harvardnormal church into a business establishment with the goal of turning irreligious people into followers of Jesus Christ by engaging them into a business environment. It features a strategy from its business team and also core values just like an economic enterprise. This example is a perfect combination of church and economics. Just like any other business, a church needs a budget to capitalize its expenses. This is the main reason why it needs successful fundraising activities. Promoting an event through mobile phone advertising is also costly. In our world today where money dictates all actions, churches should be also given attention. Giving donation to a church does not mean a person can commit sins but rather a way to show his self-effacing nature as a means to help others.
case study turned a

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Helping Cancer patients through Fundraising

Cancer has been one of the world’s top killers since 1600 B.C. Studies for its prevention and cure has become apparent ever since. A lot of cancer researches were forced to discontinue as this kind of studies take a lot of time, effort, and money. Fundraising has been the most effective way to keep these studies going. Because cancer is a class of diseases, it is unlikely that there will be a single cure more than there will be a single treatment for all infectious diseases. That’s why it is imperative that these studies are continually conducted. Even though cancer research institutions are organized by colleges, health institutions, the government and private organizations, keeping up with the expenses has been exceptionally back-breaking.  Funds collected from donations and fundraising activities are used to buy laboratory equipments, finance mass awareness programs, pharmaceuticals and maintaining institutional expenses. Managing these organizations demands a lot of time and dedication.

Thanks to innovative ways to keep funds coming, cancer research organizations combine contemporary methods to keep the activities in undeviating progress. One of the most remarkable way of promotion is the internet. Solicitations from corporations, government officials and celebrities have been one of the utmost sources of money. Even docket advertising, a very prominent form of advertising in Australia, has been used to post fundraising events that associate to these organizations. Social networking sites have also been a crucial part of spreading awareness, education and support. It is vital to make everyone aware of the significance of these studies. Another practical way to gain support is through coupon advertising. Research institutions offer vouchers or tickets in exchange of financial discounts for clinical services and pharmaceutical products. Practical methods like selling handicrafts made by cancer patients are a unique way to raise money. Highly valuable items are being auctioned for the benefits of cancer research institutions.

Looking for the right company, group of people, or prominent individuals is an important part of raising
money. Some organizations directly contact people through phone advertising. A more personal approach is considered a very implicit way of catching people’s hearts. It makes them feel more involved in some ways. Helping or doing something for a cause is very fulfilling, heart whelming, and undeniably uplifting for even an ordinary human. In some cases, institutions even take advantage of politicians who are willing to donate in exchange for publicity. Even though it’s an improbable act of a moral sense, it is sometimes inevitable for a more paramount cause. A crystal clear example of this kind of irony is asking solicitations from tobacco companies. Imagine manufacturers of the number one cause of lung cancer in the world, helping in funding a research that cures or prevents a disease that their product can induce, talk about washing your hands for your sins. 

Fundraising in general serves a sole purpose, a cause, may it be to save lives, to restore peace, to protect nature, to save a species from extinction, some for even more personal matters like funding educational needs, medical support, financially aiding a whole village. In a nutshell, the fundamental purpose is to help. Fundraising for cancer research has been triumphant in order to discover more ways to fight cancer. As time passes, technology has become a prime medium of possibly rectifying all types of cancer. But it is also important to remember that technology these days are not cheap. Cancer research organizations are doing every bit of effort in spreading the need for financial support with the help of web ads, mobile phone advertising, social media, newspapers, etc. This is a vital part of propagating awareness to people. There is a boundless remedy which is kept undiscovered and supporting these studies could save billions of lives.