MPV - Fundraising and Advertising

MPV - Fundraising and Advertising
Fundraising Ideas in Australia

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

MyPhoneVouchers Aids Charities in Fundraising in Australia

Charities conduct fundraising in Australia in order to support the causes and activities they advocate for a particular sector of the society, like children and elderly. Charities raise funds as they do not receive funding from the state or from the private sector. A large portion of the charities’ funds come from their own fundraising initiatives followed by donations and wills.

However, charity groups must gain more funds in order to keep their activities going. MyPhoneVouchers are extending its hands to non-profit organizations like charity groups in fundraising in Australia. The company has a soft spot on various charitable endeavours, especially fundraising activities that supports children.

Charity groups’ partner with MyPhoneVouchers in its fundraising events and the company offers simply the best and easiest to gain more funds without shelling out a cent. Yes, without an upfront cost schools, community groups, local clubs and charities can work hand-in-hand with MyPhoneVouchers in raising the fund they need for their causes and activities. This is because the company does not want to burden NPOs by demanding an upfront cost.

What does MyPhoneVouchers offer to charities? The company offers a fool proof fundraising tool that will benefit both parties. MyPhoneVouchers offers a subscription service that connects businesses to its potential clients. Charities will simply endorse and encourage its members and supporters to subscribe to MyPhoneVouchers service.

Benefits of Subscribing to MyPhoneVouchers
  • 50% of the membership fee – MyPhoneVouchers subscription usually costs $39.99. By partnering with MyPhoneVouchers, the charity group will receive $20 per subscription of its members and supporters. The best thing about MPV’s offer is that the charity group will receive half of the membership fee every time their members and supporters renew their subscription each year. Thus, this could transform to an annual income for the charity group depending on the number of members who will renew their subscription to the service.
  • Free 1-year subscription to MPV to admin, staff and volunteers – In order to show its gratitude, MyPhoneVouchers will gift the admin, staff and volunteers of the charity group with a 1-year subscription to the MPV service, which costs $39.95. This is a good way in retaining the groups’ active staff and repaying them for their efforts for conducting fundraising in Australia.
  • 10 free 1-year subscriptions to MPV discount vouchers – Aside from free subscription to admin, staff and volunteers, MyPhoneVouchers will throw in 10 free one-year subscriptions to MyPhoneVouchers service, which can be used as prizes on games and raffles at the fundraising in Australia.
  • Free advertising slot – MyPhoneVouchers will also give away a free phone advertising slot to NPOs which agreed to be a fundraising partner. This is a perfect way to promote any upcoming events or activities in order to reach more people, including sponsors
  • Access to tons of discount vouchers – Your members and supporters will be paying for a service platform, which will give them access to a myriad of discount coupons from MPV’s businesses partners. Some of these discounts ranging from 5% to 75% were exclusively offered to MPV subscribers. The great feature of this app is it enables subscribers to find discounts on products and services offered within their location. The MPV app can be downloaded to one’s Android or iOS devices. Simply turn on the GPS in order for the service to get your location and customize the discount vouchers you will see in the platform. MPV has hundreds of business partners and displays more than 250 discount coupons.
MyPhoneVouchers and charity groups both reap benefits in fundraising in Australia. It is a win-win situation for all, even the businesses, as they are able to reach more potential clients.