MPV - Fundraising and Advertising

MPV - Fundraising and Advertising
Fundraising Ideas in Australia

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Top 5 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use Mobile Phone Advertising in Promotion

Mobile phone advertising is currently making its way in the market. Almost everyone has a smartphone that allows businesses and advertisers to reach a wider audience through their mobile devices. Advertising in Australia is making a large turn in terms of types of advertising. Mobile phone advertising reaches more people, including potential clients, as businesses take advantage of the prevalence of mobile devices in households.

Currently, people are attached to their mobile devices, which provide a wide variety of uses such as to communicate with family, friends and colleagues as well as to obtain vital information like current events and news. Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets proved to be useful in people’s everyday activities.

Statistic figures backed up the claims of the unprecedented growth of mobile phone advertising. Companies spent more than$3 billion in 2013 to mobile advertising. It is speculated that mobile and social advertising will increase by 64% and marketers are expected to spend nearly $13.1 billion on mobile ads. Below are the top five reasons why businesses should consider using mobile phone advertising in promoting their products and services.

Accessibility. Most people have their smartphones and other mobile devices at hand. Others are inseparable with their devices. This means that businesses can reach their potential customers anytime, anywhere. The portability of mobile phone advertising made it popular among advertisers as it reaches the audience at any point in time. Unlike other forms of advertising like television and online advertising, mobile phone advertising takes advantage of people’s habit of checking their phones once in a while to reach them. Thus, people do not have to log in in a computer or turn on their TV sets; they simply have to flick their mobile devices.

Intimacy. One of the advantages of using mobile phone advertising is creating ads that are personalized and more intimate. Businesses and advertisers can tailor ads based on the expectations and preference of the mobile users. Mobile phone advertising enables businesses to create relationships with the potential customers. Businesses can also make their ads fun and interactive that will grab the attention of mobile users. Customized ads on cellphones can be based on the browsing habits of the user.

Cheaper costs. Mobile phone advertising costs a fraction compared to television and radio advertising. This means that businesses can reach a wider audience at lesser cost. Mobile phone advertising saves businesses money compared to the conventional forms of advertising. Moreover, this particular type of advertising is rapidly growing in a large scale.

Eliminates time and location constraints. Mobile phone advertising eliminates the constraints of time and place. This is related to the accessibility of mobile phones and other mobile devices. As potential customers always bring mobile devices with them, it is easier to reach these potential clients.

Collect relevant customer data. Businesses can also collect relevant data and information of their customers through mobile phone advertising. The information can be used for customer retention and loyalty marketing. Profile of the potential customers can be gathered through a system that will create a particular report of the characteristics of the market attracted to a particular product or service of a business. This is of vital importance to businesses in ensuring that they are marketing towards the right age group.

MyPhoneVouchers offers mobile phone advertising service to businesses who want to reach potential consumers. MyPhoneVouchers provides a subscription service to consumers and allowed them to have access to hundreds of discount vouchers to our business partners based on their location. This is a good way in connecting businesses and clients in an area.