Have you heard about mobile, coupon, or docket advertising?
Advertising is of vital importance to businesses because it allows potential customers to know that you are offering products and services that they may need. Advertising also allows you to have an edge over your competitors and encourage clients to seek your business instead of your rival. Sometimes, successful businesses are products of effective advertising. Putting your business out there is the first step in becoming a big company.
However, some businesses steer away from doing so because of the high cost it entails. Little some merchants know that there are different types of advertising that are cheaper and can be implemented by business owners themselves. Below are the descriptions of the three advertising methods that businesses and advertisers are paying attention to because of their low cost and effectiveness;
Mobile advertising is a type of advertising through phones or other mobile devices. This type of advertising targets mobile owners. Business owners and advertisers took a liking in this particular form of advertising because of its effectiveness. Mobile advertising is very similar to internet marketing because the ads or contents tend to go viral because it is easy to share with other people who may be potential consumers. This will be done by simply forwarding the message to a friend or family that makes them part of the advertising experience. One of the prime characteristics of mobile advertising is to target alpha users or the influential users that can forward the ads to their contacts.
However, mobile advertising also encounters some bottlenecks such as battery life as well as safety issues. Mobile devices tend to have short battery life. Some people dislike mobile ads because some of them take some information from the mobile device such as location. There are speculations that mobile advertising will be the future of advertising because is it cheaper yet effective.
Another type of advertising is coupon advertising wherein businesses and advertisers use coupons in promoting their products and services. Coupons proved to be effective tools for sales and attracting clients to the businesses. This can be attributed to the fact that everyone loves discount coupons. The consuming public likes discount vouchers because they increase the purchasing power of the buyer.
Coupon advertising is very easy to set up. Business owners and advertisers just have to come up with an offer that will benefit both the business as well as the consumers. The key in making an effective discount coupon is to have an offer that will make the costumers think that they can save a lot using the discount voucher, while it will not incur a loss to the business. Believe or not, coupons can yield to a wide array of benefits. First, coupons are great in inviting new potential clients to your store as it is effective in retaining your existing clientele. Coupon advertising can also help merchants in exhausting stocks of products that are usually difficult to sell.
You probably have seen the ads on the back of your receipts from Coles and Woolworths? This particular type of promotion is referred to as docket advertising which put up ads on the reverse side of the receipts. This can be considered as very effective if the target market of your business is flocking in a store. For example, if the target market of your business is mothers or housewives, docket advertising that prints ads on supermarket receipts can be very helpful in reaching your potential clients. Businesses should contact a firm that handles docket advertising that will help you in getting noticed.